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August 9, Friday.

This morning I heard a Water Thrush. It gave a note like a Redstart. It was walking around among the stones and on the mud near Leider's bridge. As long as kept still it would work up close to me but as soon as I moved it flew around the bend calling excitedly.

August 18, Sunday.

This morning about six I went down in the fields. Along the ditch were a few Indigo Buntings, Song Sparrows, Catbirds and a single Maryland Yellowthroat. In Maine's woods Song Sparrows were thick. One or two sang

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giving both spring and fall song. The common note was [[wavy underline]] tsut [[/wavy underline]] or [[wavy underline]] tsup [[/wavy underline]] mingled with a few [[wavy underline]] chirrups [[/wavy underline]]. Wood Pewees were common and I saw a few Cedar Waxwings. In one place the ground was fairly carpeted with thistle down pulled out by the goldfinches.
Went over towards Seeleys Marsh.  Black Cherries were ripe and I climbed into a large tree.  Waxwings flew out of the top as I scrambled up and Catbirds [[mewed?]] at me from the bushes.  A young Red-head circled around the tree several times trying to make up his mind to light but finally flew to the fence and lit on a post.  From there he made short trips to the ground and hopped