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marred by the harsh notes mingled with it.  The main body flew in a loose formation and stragglers followed a short distance behind.  The shape of the flock continually changed and undulated as though with waves.

About ten oclock Jim Seeley and I went down by the Plum Orchard.  A calf had been butchered here and about 25 Crows had gathered to feed on the refuse.  They had a sentinel posted in a large tree which was also occupied by a Red-Tailed Hawk.  When we were about fifteen rods off

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it sounded the alarm with a few low [[wavy underline]]caws[[/wavy underline]].  Then Jim climbed onto a fence post to get a better view and they all flew.  A number of them lit over in Lyon's Woods.  We sat down by the river and every little while a scout would fly out circle over us and go back.  Pretty soon three lit in a tree across the river.  Another scout came over and circled back without moving its wings.  The leader farther over called [[wavy underline]]cah cah cah cah[[/wavy underline]]and two flew over to him.  One of those left called and the leader answered and the remaining two left.  He was evidently calling them in.