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bounding and erratic to a degree. They gave a hard rolling note like [[squiggly underline]] chicky-chicky [[/underline]] or [[squiggly underline]] ticky ticky [[/underline]] and the usual squeeling [[squiggly underline]] chea [[/underline]] or [[squiggly underline]] tsea [[/underline]]. 

Down back of Seeley's I heard an American goldfinch singing. The song was quite long but lacked the loudness and joyousness that characterize it in the breeding season. The bird seemed to be alone.

This afternoon I went down in Seeley's Marsh. Found an old Song sparrow's nest of this year that had been built up on top of a still older one. It must have been a favorite site.

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The nest was five feet above the ground in a tag alder. It was firmly fixed and was made of coarse marsh grass.

Crows were in full force by the Plum Orchard. Two started to come from some distance off and those in the trees gave a harsh note like [[squiggly underline]] caw-caw caw caw [[/underline]]; The two parts being given with a slight pause in between. The two coming who were separated by a distance of about 80 rods answered giving the same note in a harder higher tone. Immediately four Crows came up from the woods and divided two going to meet each one. They met