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and circled back and performed the whole distance to the woods with set wings and going like bullets. They looked like huge bows as they descended to the level of the woods In great swooping bounds seeming to fairly rebound from the air as they checked at the end of each descent.
As I approached them I gave a Crow callnote and immediately they all flew up [[squiggly underline]] cawing [[/underline]] loudly. Several mounted high in the air and circled around without moving their wings. They kept their feet drawn close up to their bodies and turned their heads

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fearlessly in all directions. One even bent its head down under its breast to look at me after it had passed. I counted twenty-one in the air at once and others sat in the trees. In one place where they had been sitting on a fence their droppings gave off a very disagreeable odor which was noticeable at six or eight feet away.

I sat down by the Plum Orchard and soon saw a bird walking on a bit of lawn like grass across the river and by the use of my opera glass discovered several others They were Red-winged Blackbirds