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tree and then to another and then to the marsh. They quarreled and fought in the air. They became quiet as soon as they reached the marsh.

Then two Downy Woodpeckers began to call and chase each other before going to roost. The notes they gave were much like those of the flicker but were not so clear. They were like [[squiggly underline]] tsuvy tsuvy [[/underline]] repeated rapidly. They gave [[squiggly underline]] quee quee [[/underline]] also. This performance was repeated twice and was probably caused by the breeding instinct.

October 28, Monday.

This morning as I went 

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by the Lyon's Bridge on No. 10 I saw a Pied-billed Grebe. It was sitting on the bank and when the train came along jumped into the water and swam rapidly towards the middle of the river. It did not look very big. It made a deep wave as it swam though its body showed no muscular movement. The train passed before I could see whether it dove or not. On shore it sat nearly upright and walked with a waddle

October 30, Wednesday.

This morning as I went to Baraboo on No. 8 I saw a Number of Crows in [[?Volcks]] Pasture. They were on a fresh