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In Voll's Woods.  1:45 P.M.

Dec. 1, 1901
Went over across the River this afternoon.
Scared [[marginalia]] number [[/marginalia]]   a flock of about 15 Quail out of a sheltered fence corner overgrown with weeds. They flew into the woods next the river and I followed them. I tried to sneak up behind the fence but a watchful male saw me and gave the alarm [[marginalia]] notes [[/marginalia]] [[underlined]] took took tur-r-rt took took turr-r-rl [[/underlined]] and they all ran around a knoll. There seemed to be more [[marginalia]] actions [[/marginalia]] males than females in this flock. I went on to the next hollow and again they ran. This time they had to cross an open place. They held their heads high and scurried across as fast as possible. The next time I got to the fence without being seen and laid down behind it. I did not see them for a while but finally one moved a little and then I saw a few of them. They were sitting down in a tangle of logs and brush. They sat with their heads drawn in. The males were the most conspicuous. They looked like piles of leaves.