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Near R.R. Bridge  10:00 A.M.

Dec. 7, 1901
[[page number]] I [[/page number]]
Art Rudy, Jim Seeley and I saw a few Brown Creepers. [[marginalia]] notes [[/marginalia]] We were attracted by the notes like [[underlined]] tsee, tsip [[/underlined]] and a trilled [[underlined]] tse-e-e-et. [[/underlined]] I watched them there were 4 of them, two were in one tree.  
[[marginalia]] song [[/marginalia]] Suddenly one chased the other away giving at the same time a thin wiry, trilled song like [[underlined]] tsup e tsup e tsup e tsup e [[/underlined]] entirely unlike that of a Chipping Sparrow. It was the first time I had heard the song. I heard it 4 times.  Once one gave it while in the air flying from one tree to another. 
[[marginalia]] actions [[/marginalia]] They seemed to go up the trunks like mice. They were hard to see against the bark. They did not pick like the woodpeckers except once or twice. One crawled easily along a limb slanting like this [[image: a straight line sloping down from left to right, at about 45 degrees from horizontal]] on the underside some slanted as much as this [[image: a similar line but only about 23 degrees from horizontal]]