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By Seeley's Marsh  10:30 A.M.

Dec. 8, 1901
[[marginalia]] number [[/marginalia]] This morning by Seeley's Marsh I saw a flock of 12 Quail. 
[[marginalia]] food [[/marginalia]]  They were feeding in a ragweed patch. 
[[marginalia]] actions [[/marginalia]]  When they saw me they they ran a short distance and the old male gave the alarm and jumped into the air. They were on the bank and went flying off 60 feet above ground. A flock of about 35 American Goldfinches in the marsh heard them and flew up in the air as is their custom when they are frightened. They came up right in the path of the Quail who went right through the center of them demoralizing them badly. The Quail flew along curving nearer the ground and lit near the swimming hole. I never saw any so high in the air before.