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By Kapelke's  10:17 A:M.

Feb. 9, 1902
This morning I was over Kapeke's. 
[[marginalia]] weather [[/marginalia]] It was snowing a little. 
[[marginalia]] position [[/marginalia]] A White-breasted Nuthatch was sitting humped up head down on the leeward side of an oak above the dog kennel. He acted as if he had come to eat fat with the Chicadees from the bones lying around. 
[[marginalia]] notes [[/marginalia]] It kept giving
little conversational notes all the time. Finally I heard a little note like [[underlined]] preaw. [[/underlined]] It seemed to be two sylables but was uttered almost in one breath. I expected to see a Bluejay but caught the Nuthatch giving the third time.

I wrote my notes under an over hanging rock which I named the chair.

Transcription Notes:
The notes in the margin are a referencing system being used by Wetmore. They refer to where the sentence about the subject starts.