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East of Tuttles house in Baraboo 8:08 A.M.

Mar 13, 1902
This morning after breakfast I was back of Tuttles house. I was standing by a clump of Norway Spruces when a crow lit in the top of one of them. 
[[marginalia]] distance [[/marginalia]] It did not notice me at first but saw me a little afterwards but did not seem frightened although I was only about 35 feet away.  It called to its mate and it did not light as it had started to. 
[[marginalia]] actions [[/marginalia]] The only sign of agitation was the quick lifting of its wings and the spreading of its tail.  
[[marginalia]] taking flight [[/marginalia]] Then it flew. It jumped off and let its black feet hang down for the first 3 or 4 flaps and then drew them up. It flew over behind a hill and little on the ground. It may have been hunting for a nesting place.