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Woods near Fairgrounds in Baraboo 7:45 A.M.

April 16, 1902
[[page number]] I [[/page number]]
This morning I was down in the woods near the fairgrounds.  It had rained a little in the night. [[marginalia]] mating actions of males [[/marginalia]]  The morning Dove were mating.  One sailed over with decurved wings for a distance and then flew a little way with a quick flapping flight.  Then it sailed again and dipping first one way and then the other lit on a tree where it gave the song.
8:00 A.M.
A little later I saw another queer thing.  One lit on a small limb and was quickly pursued by another which lit by it and forced it to fly.  It then lit again when the same thing happened. 
[[marginalia]] jealousy of males [[/marginalia]]  I judged them both to be males jealous of each other.  I heard two sing from that directions and thus judged their sex.  After being

Transcription Notes:
Margin notes arranged against relevant section in the text. The margin note is effectively a reference to the text, which it seems clear is what Wetmore meant to do.