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hole and hunted for food after stretching its wings up as far as it could reach. It must have been a young one for it was not at all afraid of me. It waded out up to the leg joint. Then it flew towards me and started to light about 6 feet away but changed its mind and flew across the river. 
On my way home I saw Song and Vesper Sparrows feeding in the short grass of the lane. As I approached they flew into Vail's cornfield. They are beginning to gather in flocks. I caught a glimpse of a Scarlet Tanager

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with white on the shoulders. Frequently I heard a loud impatient [[underline]] jay jay [[/underline]] given in a hurried manner. This was the call of a young Blujay whose mother had left it to take care of itself. They spend some time in screaming this way before they will accept the cold fact that they have got to rustle their own grub instead of having it provided by the mother. 

August 11, Monday.

This morning about 9 oclock Art Rudy and I went down to the swimming hole to take a