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August 12, Tuesday.
This morning before breakfast I heard the sharp [[underline]]chit[[/underline]] of the Water Thrush in Pettey's cornfield. It was the first one of the fall. I went down there but did not see nor hear it for some time. Finally it flew over me and lit in a tree. In flight if showed a strong contrast of dark olive and yellow. It seemed ill at ease and finally flew off but did not seem to know where to go as it circled around several times. 
Afterwards I heard a

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a Cedar Waxwing that had a very sharp long drawn note almost like that of a Golden-crowned kinglet.

After breakfast I went down and cut that Wood Pewees nest off and took it down. There was not much lining in it. In some Places the branch came through. Saw the Red-eyed Vireo. It seemed somewhat angry but made not audible protest. Once it flew by me and just missed my ear. The young Wood Pewee's [[were?]] across the the river. They kept up their soft