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two yellowish-white wing bars back darker than head. Once I thought I caught a glimpse of black on its tail. The only note given was a low [[underlined]] tsut [[/underlined]] generally given in answer to a Robins or some other birds call. Soon another joined it. They were quite restless bird and seemed to feed near the ground. this may have caused by the wind which would keep the insects down. Finally I lost them.
While hunting for them I saw a Great Blue Heron

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coming down stream. I lay down behind a bush and waited for it. The prevailing color in flight was bluish grey with touches of a warm ruddy nature. It evidently saw me for it rose about 10 feet as it passed me and then dropped down to its level of 10 feet above the river. It flew with long sweeping regular strokes and had its neck extended. It acted as though going to light In the big bend but a careful stalk in that direction yielded no results. It