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hardly any birds. I heard some young Red-eyed Vireos and a crow and a single  Ovenbird flew out of the rank growth on the side of the hill. Towards night a flock of about 25 Bobolinks flew over and Nighthawks were common.

Red-headed Woodpeckers were very quiet and kept in the shade as much as possible. Art found a white woodpeckers feather spotted with black near the tip.

The birds began to fly soon after dark. I could hear them calling and lighting in the trees.

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[[underline]]September [[/underline]]

September 1, Monday.
This morning the sun shone brightly and gave promise of a good day. Nashville Warblers were flying south went I first got up but they did not begin to light in the trees for some time. They kept up a constant [[underlined]]tsit[[/underlined]] all the time. Some Bluejays became to scream and alarmed the sparrows. Soon the cause of their alarm in the shape of a