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did not fight. Then the timid one went in and after a few more sharp cracks the other left. A male came but was promptly chased away. They got so much water in their wing feathers that it was hard for them to start to fly.

September 28, Sunday

The [[22nd??]] I shot a Coopers Hawk over by the Half Moon. I heard it scream tse-hu and then saw on the stub of a limb. The bullet went in just above the wing bone. The bird

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was disabled but not much hurt. I carried it home on the end of my gun. It watched me fiercely all the way with wings raised as if to strike and open mouth. Occassionally it would try to fly but was only able to go a few feet. It did not try to use its beak for defence but struck at any threatening object with its feet. Its grasp was very tenacious. I put it in the cow stable and gave it Sparrows and water. It ate on an average 2 Sparrows a day. I generally gave it