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October 5, Sunday.

This morning before breakfast I went down in Bunnells Woods:

White-throated Sparrows were very thick. They fed in a patch of weeds and were especially thick around Brushpiles and clumps of bushes. They were quite noisy and were rather pugnacious. They sang quite a good deal with varying results, good or bad. One that I heard I mistook for some one

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whistlingly "Good morning Carrie, how are you this morning". It had the tune exactly. Others probably adults gave the song perfectly. There were a few Song Sparrows with ^[[them]] who gave the intricate warbling fall song that was apparently without beginning or end. Occasionally one gave a good clear song that stood out strongly from the undercurrent of bird notes and songs which came from all sides. I should like to hear a White-throat finish its song once. By