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seem to realize my presence as is often the case with birds and animals as long as they don't see me move. It hopped around feeding and kept no watch above it all as it was protected by bushes. It was very restless and kept hopping around in a restricted area. A mink came swimming along as it sat on a willow twig two or three inches above the water. The Sparrow paid no attention to it until it was nearly under it when it took a perch about a foot higher. The mink looked up with longing eyes but

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did not try to capture it. Both were utterly oblivious of my presence. A White-throated Sparrow last week followed a mink along for some distance calling excitedly. Perhaps he had had some experience with such beasts in his northern home. But to return to my Song Sparrow. I squeeked to but it did not seem much alarmed.

Went on over into Seeleys marsh. Sparrows were fairly abundant. Saw a few with Song Sparrows that I did not recognise at the first as I got only a glimpse of them but soon knew