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November 30, Saturday.

Last night I came up here to Sullivans and this morning a little after five Bernie and I started out deer hunting. There was was about 3 inches of snow on the ground and more fell continually. Birds seemed to be rather scarce. Twice during the forenoon did parties of Chicadees come through the woods. They were very restless and seemed ill at ease. They were very tame and gathered around me questionially as though wondering what I was. They came so close that I almost looked for them to light on me. The beautiful, soft tints to the feathers could be seen to

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good advantage and the yellow on the flank was quite marked. In both cases they did not stay long but hurried away in an easterly direction.

Ruffed Grouse were very abundant. Their tracks crossed the snow in all directions. In some places where two came close to each other wings would show where the male had strutted for a few feet with dragging wings probably for the edification of a Hen.

They flew up in front of us in flocks of three or four generally and went above the tops of the trees for a ways and then soared down.