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of a Bluejay where it had hopped along the snow for a few feet. I could not see what it had found to eat but something must have called it down.

Farther down across from the Plum orchard in the Hackberry woods I heard a loud continuous tapping but could not locate it at first. but after a good deal of watching saw a female Hairy Woodpecker out on a limb in plain sight. I was beginning to think I had lost my eyesight. It kept up a call all the time but had a very weak voice.

There were also two pairs

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of White-breasted Nuthatches here. They also were hard to locate and were not so noisy as is usual. They kept up a low conversational note all the time however. There was only about 2/3 of the tree trunks that they could roost at as the rest was covered with snow.

I watched one getting larva of some sort from the bark of a Hackberry and then tried to find one myself but of course failed. They must have very good sight. I think that they prospect with their bills and thus help find them as they could thrust through the bark into the home of the grub.