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also gets sunflower seeds from back of the barn. Frequently it comes to the elm while I am pumping water but never goes down to eat until I am through. While waiting it sits up in the tree and calls. It has a good place for the pines are thick and will shield it from wind and as long as it can get food it will not freeze.

January 13, Tuesday.

This morning in Baraboo as I was coming from breakfast I heard a Bluejay screaming in Langdon's yard. I thought that

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perhaps it might have found an Owl but have been fooled so many times this winter that I was undecided whether to go or not. Finally I went over and saw three or four jays in the top of a little spruce. I would find no Owl but as I turned to go away about a dozen jays came out one after another. I think that they were roosting there for they immediately became quiet. They must be late risers for it was eight o'clock but then it was cold. I have noticed in the woods that no birds are out early in the morning