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After Breakfast Father and I drove out in the country Past Jack Dickie's to Vortein's and Rhody's and home by the mines. The roads very bad and we took short cuts through the fields and woods for miles.The warm weather has started the woodpecker's and I could hear the drum of Downy and the rattle and loud low notes of the Hairy. In going through a wood road three of four Crows flew up singly and lit in the trees to flirt their

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tails and peer at us to see whether or not we were dangerous. In the same Place some White-breasted Nuthatches were singing. At Vorteins were a few English Sparrows. I sat in the sun out back of Rhody's barn and watched the birds. A Bluejay screamed in the distance and in answer to my whistle came nearer until I could see it. Then a Hairy Woodpecker attracted my attention and I watched until it passed out of sight. It flew from one tree to