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another and I thought it was was going to drum but it did not.

In going up a hill in a field a Flock of about 100 Pine Siskins flew up ahead from the weeds and lit in the trees of a bushy pasture. They had a great deal to say and very restless but did not sing.

February 8, Sunday.

This morning the Chicadees were very noisy. I tried to get them to eat out of my hand but they were not quite brave enough. One would come down to the

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suet within a foot of my head but they never dared to light on my hand. One made continual swoops at it barely missing it each time [[erasure]]s[[/erasure]] they went on the ground at my feet. One had lost its tail in some way. After a little they wandered away but a whistled [[underlined]]Phoe-be[[/underlined]] always brought them back. Other visitors were a white-breasted Nuthatch, a Hairy Woodpecker and a Bluejay. A seed was held in one foot to be cracked. They scolded me a good deal.