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It had caught what I could see was a dove and stood on the log tearing it with its bill. It did not hover over its food as Red-Tails do. It seemed uneasy and flew up on to the fence a few rods from the house where it watched us without eating for a few minutes holding the dove in its claws. The Dove was nearly as big as it was. Finally it flew off out of side towards the Orchard but in half hour hunt we could not find it again. It did not seemed afraid as it was eating the Dove within ten rods of the barn

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where it had caught it. It did not seem to eat on the bare ground but to always light on a log.

February 23, Monday.

Tonight after school it was warm and sunny and I went over to the thickets by the Fair grounds. Going over and back the only birds I saw were 2 or 4 Chicadees in some Oak bushes. They were feeding on the ground but came up into the bushes with little questioning notes as I came by. They soon went to feeding again however and I went on.