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Heard a great commotion over beyond the rocks but thought it was made by chickens at some farm which the wind had brought clearly to me. As I started to go on. The clamor broke out afresh and over the bluffs came a flock of 16 snow-white birds with dark wingtips and their heads seemed a little darker than the rest of the body. They were Greater Snow Geese and flew about 200 feet up. Their notes were loud and sonorous and seemed as I could make out to resemble the notes [[underline]] cow-cow-cow[[/underline]].
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At first sight I exclaimed Swans! but a second look showed that they were Geese and when I got home I learned the species.

Across the river I heard a Field Sparrow sing twice but could not see it.

A Hairy Woodpecker flew by giving a note like [[underline]]cu-tuck took[[/underline]] and I heard others drumming.

Fox Sparrows were thick in the Hemlocks especially along the Hidden Trail. They sang from the trees and sometimes from the ground.

Juncoes were quite thick along the east Bluff. They