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an eye to building.

As I stepped out of the Hidden trail a Crow came flying over the Bluff with some nesting material in its mouth. It saw me and warned its mate similarly laden and they swerved to one side. They were very secretive all day and I think they are repairing the old Hawk's nest.

The Winter Wren sang twice in the middle of the day when all the other birds were quiet. It was a very sweet rippling song and I wished for more of it.

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Vesper Sparrows sang some during the day from across the river. I found a few Hepaticas below the cave.

I thought that the main body of the Juncoes had passed but on starting for home I saw my mistake. For they were scattered along the river bank and I drove them along in front of me in hundreds bearing a few Fox Sparrows with it seemed by mere force of numbers. The air was filled with the flash of their white tail feathers.