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train. Strange that so wary a bird should be killed so. 

A Red-tailed Hawk circled down and lit in a dead tree and sat there as long as I could see it. Perhaps it was one of those seen at the Hemlocks in the Spring.

Took a set of Phoebis eggs about half a mile east of Rock Cut on the track. The nest was about 8 feet from the level near the overhanging top of the bank. The nest contained five eggs two of which were slightly spotted with brown and black (Set no. 1)

Took a set of four Bluebirds eggs from a post in front of Pattersons. I could barely get my hand in to the eggs the opening was so small. The female refused to leave the nest and I had to lift 

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her out in my hand. The nest was composed of a few grasses (set no. 2)

Another pair were looking at the gasoline can of the street lamp by Trumbles with an eye to building.

May 9, Saturday.

This morning I went over in the River Woods. Took a set of four fresh Robin's eggs from a crotch in a big red elm near Leiders bridge. It was about 12 feet from the water and the nest was hard to detach. One egg became broken in my cap while coming down the tree.

Goldfinches were very abundant. They fed on the ground along the roads. The males were in summer plumage.