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giving a loud steely note. The eggs were fresh.

In front of Donaghey's were a pair of Chipping Sparrow. The male chased his mate with petulant twittering notes into the grass and then puffing out his breast feathers to twice their usual size, sang.

When I first came to the Creek I heard the hooting of a Barred Owl and went carefully over towards it. As I came up over a hill I saw it in a tree. Not far away was a large hole in which its nest was. It flew on and its mate joined it. It seemed very anxious and gave a low whining [[underline]] tsee-e-e-ack [[/underline]]. They were very tame and sat around

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watching me closely. Then they flew down the hill and I went on.

Heard a strange song and following it up saw that it was a Golden-winged Warbler. It kept in the thick undergrowth ranging to the tops of the smaller trees. It was very restless and it was some time before I caught sight of it. It would sing once or twice fly maybe ten rods and then sing again and it always kept in the thick growth which made a silent approach impossible. Later on I heard three or four. I heard the song oftener than I saw the bird as it was very secretive. The song was [[underline]]tzu-e tzee tzee [[/underline]]