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May 12, Tuesday

This morning in [[Pfannstiehl's?]] yard I saw a strange Sparrow and identified it as a Lincoln Sparrow my first specimen. The breast was finely streaked with black with a buffy band across it just as the books describe it. I have been looking for it all the spring. It hopped around in a little tree keeping pretty well hidden and then disappeared into the hedge and I lost it. It seemed rather leisurely in its movements and once or twice came out where I could see it plainly.

After school I went down towards the water-works dam. On the riverbank I found a

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Bluejay's nest about ten feet up in a thornapple. It was in all little hollow in the branches and I could not see the old one at all until I climbed up getting sharply pricked on the way when she flew off went away. The nest was made of twigs, paper, cloth and weed stems lined with rootlets. It contained four eggs very dark and so heavy that I thought they were nearly hatched but incubation was just begun. I hesitated before taking them and if it had been anything but a Bluejay I probably would not have touched them. Afterwards I heard the pair screaming about the spot as they discovered their loss.