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Saw a single Palm Warbler near the river. It was hunting quietly and systematically through the roots of a tree.

Saw several Spotted Sandpipers. One lit on a large stone in the middle of the water and teetered up and down.

As I passed a little Poplar stub a male [[down?]] hitched up it and then flew to another tree. On the side away from the open was his nesting-hole evidently nearly finished. 

Saw a female Cowbird sneaking around in the grass. She skulked off as a Song Sparrow does in leaving its nest. I thought she might have been laying an egg but could find no nest.

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Then a female Song Sparrow flew up and [[I?]] found her nest concealed under some long grass. It contained five young covered with dark grey fuzz.

Across the river I saw a bird move in a willow and stopped to look at it. It was only a few feet off but I went up to about six feet and then it came out of leaves. It was a Cape May Warbler a male.

It was very leisurely in its movement and was silent. The cheeks in certain light showed red but in others seemed an uncertain yellow that would attract attention however. The bird was very tame and paid no attention to me whatever.