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Canada Goose

Song Sparrow
Red-wing, Sparrowhawk

94. Melospiza cinerea melodia

95. Agelaius phoeniceus

96. Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides

97. Melospiza cinerea melodia

98. Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides

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Phoebe's. They seemed rather tired as though they had just come a long distance. A flock of about twenty-five Canada Geese flew over in wedge going north. These are the first I heard of. Generally I hear of others seeing them before I do myself. Other migrants were the Song Sparrow, Meadowlark, Red-winged Blackbird, and Sparrowhawk. Saw two Crows feeding in a field[[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]] just below the crest of a hill. I managed to sneak up within gunshot but failed to get either.

March 24, Thursday.

94. Melospiza cinera melodia. A. Wetmore, Old Pasture North Freedom, Wis. iris drab. bill upper mandible and tip of lower dusky. edge of upper and rest of lower dull reddish white. tarsus flesh color. Length 6 1/8 wing 2 11/16, tail 2 9/16. [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents seeds.

95. Agelaius pheoniceus. A. Wetmore, Seeley's Marsh, North Freedom, Wis. Iris brownish drab. bill black. tarsus black. Length 9 3/8 wing 5 1/8 tail 3 3/4. [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents seeds.

96. Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides. A. Wetmore, Seeley's Marsh, North Freedom, Wis, iris dull brown, bill black. tarsus dull black. Length 8 1/2 wing 4 1/16 tail 3 5/8. [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents. whirligig water beetles.

97. Melospiza cinerea melodia. A. Wetmore. Old Pasture. North Freedom, Wis. iris brown. bill culmen dusky slate rest of bill dull reddish white with a faint band of slate on sides of lower mandible. tarsus flesh color. Length 6 1/8. wing 2 7/8 tail 2 5/8. [[male symbol]] ad. Stomach contents seeds.

98. Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides. A. Wetmore, Old Pasture.