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147. Botaurus lentiginosus

148. Dendroica palmarum.

149. Porzana carolina.

150. Seiurus noveboracensis notabilis

151. Wilsonia pusilla

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May 13, Friday.

147. Botaurus lentiginosus. A. Wetmore Seeley's Marsh, North Freedom Wis. iris yellow. mandible yellow, dusky at commissure. maxilla black. commissure yellowish white. bare lower eyelid to bill brownish, rest of bare space yellowish white. tarsus greenish. Length 22 1/2 wing 10 1/2 tail 3 1/4 [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents a meadow mouse and large water beetles.

148. Dendroica palmarum. A. Wetmore. Old Pasture North Freedom Wis., iris brown. pupil of one eye whitish. bill dusky. tarsus brownish. Length 5. wing 2 1/2, tail 1 7/8 [[female symbol]] ad. stomach contents insects.

149. Porzana carolina. A. Wetmore, Seeley's Marsh. North Freedom Wis., iris bright brown. bill yellow, greenish from nostril to tip. tarsus greenish. Length 8 1/4, wing 4 1/4 tail 1 3/4. [[female symbol]] ad. stomach contents insects.

150. Seiurus nobeboracensis ^notabilis A. Wetmore. Old Pasture. North Freedom Wis., iris drab brown. bill black. brown at base of mandible. tarsus light brown. Length 5 7/8 wing 3 1/8 tail 2. [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents small insects.

151. Wilsonia pusilla. A. Wetmore. Old Pasture. North Freedom Wis. iris brown maxilla dusky mandible yellowish brown tarsus yellowish brown. Length 4 3/4. wing 2 1/4 tail 2. [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents small insects.

Tonight I went down in the fields.  In Seeley's Marsh were a number of Soras.  They flew up every little ways.  The one I shot contained an egg nearly ready to be laid.

A Bittern flew up at the farther end and I brought it down wounded with a light load of No. 23 shot.  It was