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189. Ardetta exilis

190. Ardetta exilis

191. Agelaius phoeniceus

192. Xanthocephalous xanthocephalous.

193. Ardetta exilis

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June 13, Monday.

189. Ardetta exilis. A. Wetmore. Marsh, Lake Koshkonong Wis., iris yellow. bill mandible yellowish white, commissure yellow, maxilla dusky. space around eye greenish yellow. tarsus greenish yellow. Length 14 3/8 wing 5 tail 1 3/4. [[female symbol]] ad. stomach contents. insects & mud.

190. Ardetta exilis. A. Wetmore. Marsh Lake Koshkonong, Wis. iris yellow. mandible yellowish white. commissure yellow. maxilla dusky. eyelids greenish rest of bare place light red. tarsus greenish in front and yellow behind. Length 13 3/4 wing 5 tail 1 3/4 stomach contents

191. Agelaius phoeniceus. A. Wetmore. Marsh. Lake Koshkonong, Wis. iris brownish. maxilla black. mandible dusky. tarsus black. Length 7 3/8 wing 4 1/8 tail 2 3/4 [[female symbol]] ad. stomach contents. long white worms.

192. Xanthocaphalus xanthocephalus. A. B. Stout. Marsh Lake Koshkonong, Wis. iris brown. bill black. tarsus black. Length 10 3/8 wing 5 5/8 tail 4 15/16. [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents black. seeds.

193. Ardetta exilis. A. Wetmore. Marsh Lake Koshkonong. iris. yellow, bill ma[[strikethrough]]xilla[[/strikethrough]]ndible & commissure [[strikethrough]] yellow [[/strikethrough]] reddish yellow. maxilla dusky. eyelids greenish. rest of bare place red. tarsus greenish yellow. Length 13 3/4 wing 4 5/8 tail 1 3/8 stomach contents.

53. Ardetta exilis. A. Wetmore, Marsh Lake Koshkonong, nest of reeds very slight 2 feet from water, eggs 5, incubation fresh. [[female symbol]] seen.

This morning we went over to Lake Koshkonong, with our stuff.

In the afternoon we down down the Lake to the first Bay but did not find much.  There were a few Spotted