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212.  Agelaius phoeniceus
213.  Hydrochelidon nigra surinamensis

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Koshkonong, Wis, iris light brown, mandible commissure brown, tarsus slaty green.  Length 14 wing 6 1/4, tail 2 1/2.  [[symbol: female]] ad. stomach contents insects.

212.  Agelaius phoeniceus.  A. Wetmore.  Rice Lake near Lake Koshkonong, Wis, iris brown, bill black, tarsus black.  Length 9 1/4 wing 5 1/8, tail 3 3/4.  [[symbol: male]] ad. stomach contents insects.

213.  Hydrochelidon nigra surinamensis.  A.B. Stout.  Rice Lake near Lake Koshkonong, Wis, iris brown, bill black, gape red, tarsus reddish, black band around center.  Length 9 3/4 wing 8 5/8, tail 3 1/2.

This morning Mr. Stout and I went over to Rice and Mud Lakes.  We found a number of nests in Mud Lake but left them as we could not identify them.  Saw an American Bittern fly up out of some Cattails.
Red-winged Blackbirds were numerous in both Lakes.  They had young both out and in the next and we found two sets of eggs.
In Rice Lake were members of [[strikethrough]] Purp [[/strikethrough]] Florida Gallinules.  We found a next near shore containing 11 eggs and fixed it so that it could be seen from shore.  Later I came back and shot the owner on the next, a Florida Gallinula.  The eggs were nearly all broken.  I had begun to despair of getting one of these birds.  Later I was going along in a boat a little ahead and outside of Stout one flew up and he shot it.
We found two red-billed Grebe's nests here one with ten and one with six eggs.  In the