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214.  Icterus spurius

215.  Polioptila caerulea

216.  Spizella pusilla

217.  Piranga erythromelas

218.  Stelgidopteryx serripermis

219.  Actitis macularia

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June 18, Saturday

214.  Icterus spurius.  A. Wetmore.  Grove near Lake Koshkonong, Wis, iris brown. maxilla & gonys black. rest of mandible slate. tarsus slate.  Length 6 5/8 wing 3 1/4 tail 2 11/16.  [[male symbol]] [[im]]  stomach contents insects.

215.  Polioptila caerulea.  A. Wetmore.  Grove near Lake Koshkonong, Wis. iris brown. bill black. tarsus black.  Length 4 1/2 wing 2 1/2 tail 1 15/16.  [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents insects.

216.  Spizella pusilla.  A. Wetmore.  grove near Lake Koshkonong, Wis, iris brown. bill rosy-white. tarsus flesh color.  Length 5 3/8 wing 2 5/8 tail 2 3/8.  [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents insects.

217.  Piranga erythromelas.  A. Wetmore.  grove near Lake Koshkonong, Wis, iris brown. bill greenish-yellow. tarsus slate.  Length 7 1/4 wing 4 1/8 tail 2 3/8.  [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents large insects.

218.  Stelgidopteryx serripermis.  Bingham's Point Lake Koshkonong, Wis. iris brown. bill black. tarsus brownish-black.  Length 5 1/4. wing 4 3/8 tail 1 7/8.  [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents insects.

219.  Actitis macularia.  A. Wetmore.  Bingham's Point Lake Koshkonong, Wis, iris brown. maxilla brown. tip black. mandible flesh color. tip brown. tarsus greenish white.  Length 7 1/4 wing 4 1/4 tail 1 15/16.

This morning I got up at daylight and rowed down to Goldthorpe's Bay and watched for birds.  When the sun rose [[strikethrough]] Marsh W [[/strikethrough]] Long-billed Marsh Wrens sang in all directions.  The carp began