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223. Calidris arenaria

224. Xenthocephalous xanthocephalous

225. Xanthocephalous xanthocephalous

226. Xenthocephalous xanthocephalous

227. Spiza americana

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the ground. The nest was rather roughly built of grass & weeds stems and a few feathers.  I shot the male but could not secure its mate.  They generally sat around on the tops of the bushes.  Bobolinks were very common.  I saw a few Swamp Sparrows and heard them sing.

In Busseyville Creek we found the Tree Swallows nesting in holes in willows.  Two nests were seen both containing young.  The adults were fearless feeding the young when we were only a few feet away.

June 20, Monday.

223. Calidris arenaria. May-June 1903. Henry Skavlem. Lake Koshkonong, Wis., bill black. tarsus black. [[female symbol]] ad. Length 8 wing 4 5/8 tail 1 7/8 (skin) given to me by Mr. Skavlem.

224. Xanthocephalous xanthocephalous. A.B. Stout, Skavlem's point. Lake Koshkonong, Wis, iris drab. bill black. tarsus black. Length 9 3/4 wing 5 3/4 tail 3 7/8 [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents insects.

225. Xanthocephalous xanthocephalous. A.B. Stout. Skavlem's Point, Lake Koshkonong, Wis, iris drab. bill black. tarsus black. Length 10, wing 5 7/8 tail 3 7/8 [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents insects.

226. Xanthocephalous xanthocephalous. A.B. Stout. Skavlem's point, Lake Koshkonong, Wis, iris drab bill black. tarsus black. Length 9 7/8 wing 6, tail 4 1/8 [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents insects.

227. Spiza americana. A.B. Stout June 1895. Albion