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237. Lanius ludovicianus migrans

238. Lanius ludovicianus migrans

239. Falco sparverius

240. Falco sparverius

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Freedom, Wis, iris brown. culmen black. spot on gonys same, rest of bill slate. tarsus slate. Length 7 1/4 wing 4 tail 1 15/16 [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents. beetles & worms.

237. Lanius ludovicianus migrans. A. Wetmore. Kapelke's pasture. Seeley Creek, North Freedom, Wis, iris brown. bill black tarsus black. Length 8 3/8 wing 4 tail 3 5/8 [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents web worms.

238. Lanius ludovicianus migrans. A. Wetmore. Kepelke's pasture, Seeley Creek, North Freedom, Wis, iris bluish slate bill dusky mandibular rami lighter tarsus slaty black. Length 8 1/4 wing 3 7/8 tail 3 1/4 [[male symbol]] yg. stomach contents part of a field mouse.

239. Falco sparverius. A. Wetmore. Dumke's pasture, near Illinois Iron mines. North Freedom, Wis, iris brown. cere yellow. tip of maxilla dark slate shading into whitish at base. mandible slate, rami yellowish white. tarsus pale yellow. Length 10 1/2 wing 7 7/16 tail 4 9/16 [[female symbol]] im. stomach contents a field mouse.

240. Falco sparverius. A. Wetmore. Dumke's pasture North Freedom, Wis, near Illinois Iron Mines. iris brown. cere yellow. tip of maxilla & mandible slate. base of maxilla whitish, rami yellow. tarsus pale yellow. Length 10 3/8 wing 7 1/2 tail 4 1/2 [[male symbol]] im. stomach contents. Field Mice.

This afternoon I rode out to the mines with father.  At one place I saw a Sparrowhawk and as I wanted one got out and remained until father came back.  I found a family of five or six young ones with the adults.  They were around