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261. Buteo platypterus

262. Compsothlypis americana ramalinae

263. Geothlypis trichas brachydactyla

264. Troglodytes aedon

265. Melospiza georgiana

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flew across a small opening and I shot it but it fell in a tree and I could not see it. Then the other lit in a tree a little ways off and I shot it killing it dead.

I also saw a Young Barred Owl here just out of the nest.  The old one was perched near it.

July 12 Tuesday.

261. Buteo platypterus. A Wetmore. Fleming's Swamp, North Freedom, Wis, iris brownish yellow. cere greenish yellow. bill black. base of mandible slate. tarsus yellow. Length 17 wing 11, tail 6 1/8 [[female symbol]] ad. stomach contents frogs.

262. Compsothlypis americana ramalinae. A. Wetmore. Fleming's Swamp, North Freedom, Wis, iris brown. maxilla black. mandible yellow. tarsus brownish black. Length 4 3/8 wing 2 3/8 tail 1 1/2 [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents small insects.

263. Geothlypis trichas brachydactyla. A. Wetmore, Fleming's Swamp, North Freedom, Wis, iris brown, bill black. base of mandible flesh color. tarsus brownish flesh color. Length 4 3/4 wing 2 1/4 tail 1 7/8 [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents small insects.

264. Troglodytes aedon. A. Wetmore, River Woods, North Freedom, Wis, iris drab. maxilla black. tip of mandible slaty. base flesh color. tarsus flesh color. Length 4 1/4 wing 2 tail 1 1/2 [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[female symbol]] yg. stomach contents insects.

265. Melospiza georgiana. A. Wetmore, North Freedom, Wis Fleming's Swamp. iris drab. maxilla black. mandible brown. [[strikethrough]] base yellowish [[/strikethrough]] tarsus flesh color. Length 4 5/8