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309 Totanus flavipes
^[[sent to C.B. Linton
Los Angeles

310. Actitis macularia

311. Tringa maculata

312. Totanus flavipes

313. Aegilitis vocifera

314. Totanus flavipes

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slate. base of mandible yellow. tarsus flesh color. Length 5 5/8 wing 2 1/2 tail 2 5/16 [[female symbol]] ad. stomach contents insects.

309. Totanus flavipes. A. Wetmore. Millpond, North Freedom Wis, iris dark drab. bill black. tarsus yellow with greenish markings. Length 9 5/8 wing 6 3/8 tail 2 3/8 [[female symbol]] ad. stomach contents insects.

310. Actitis macularia. A. Wetmore Millpond, North Freedom, Wis, iris drab. bill black. base of mandible lighter. tarsus dull greenish yellow. Length 7 5/8 wing 4 1/4 tail 1 7/8 [[male symbol]] im. stomach contents insects.

311. Tringa maculata. A. Wetmore. Millpond, Morth Freedom, Wis, iris drab. bill black. tarsus greenish Length 9 1/8 wing 5 5/8 tail 2 5/8 [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents insects.

312. Totanus flavipes. A. Wetmore, Millpond, North Freedom, Wis, iris drab. bill black. tarsus yellow with greenish markings. Length 9 3/4 wing 6 1/8 tail 2 7/16 [[female symbol]] im. stomach contents insects.

313. Aegilitis vocifera. A. Wetmore, Millpond, North Freedom, Wis, iris drab. bill black. tarsus flesh color, bluish at joints. Length 10 3/4 wing 6 5/8 tail 4 1/4 [[female symbol]] im. stomach contents insects.

314. Totanus flavipes. A. Wetmore, Millpond, North Freedom, Wis, iris drab. bill black. tarsus yellow with greenish markings Length 9 3/4 wing 6 3/8 tail 2 3/8 [[male symbol]] im. stomach contents insects.

This morning I went over to the Pond again.  Below Seil's corner about fifty Chimney Swifts were