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Least Bittern


Western Nighthawk.

365 Buteo platypterus. 

366 Dendroica pennsylvanica
sent to E.P. Walker, Sheridan Ind.

367 Astragalinus tristis

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This morning John Hackett shot a least Bittern and gave it to me. It was down by the slough. It was badly shot up.

Tonight I went down to Fiske's pasture after Night-Hawks. Only a few were seen. They came from the west or northwest and flew almost against the wind. The most were in small companies. They flew high up at first out of range and I secured my virginianus while high up. As it grew dark they skimmed along just over the surface of the ground. I sat down flat and the [[strikethrough]]single[[/strikethrough]] C.V. henryi came along alone just above the ground. It passed close to me and I shot it. It was very much different from the other specimen.

August 20, Saturday.
365. Buteo platypterus. A Wetmore, Shalis Swamp, North Freedom, Wis, iris light brown. bill black. base of mandible greenish slate. cere greenish yellow. tarsus yellow, claws black. Length 16. wing 11 1/2 tail 6 3/4 ♀ im. stomach contents frogs.

366. Dendroica pennsylvanica, A. Wetmore. Half Moon, Woods, North Freedom, Wis iris drab. maxilla & tip of mandible black. stripe of rami slate. rest of bill flesh color. tarsus slate. Length 4 3/4 wing 2 1/2 tail 1 3/16 ♀ im. stomach contents insects.

367. Astragalimus tristis. A. Wetmore, Half Moon Woods, North Freedom, Wis, iris drab. bill dull orange. tip brownish. tarsus light brown. Length 4 1/2 wing 2 7/8 tail 1 13/16 ♀ ad stomach contents seeds. 

Transcription Notes:
Checked species. Removed [[??]]-nwmath