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422. Seiurus noveboracensis (con)

423 Melospiza cinerea melodia

424. Melospiza cinerea melodia

425 Spizella socialis

Seiurus noveboracensis

Cedar Waxwings

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Millpond, North Freedom, Wis. iris brown. Maxilla & tip of mandible dark brown. rest of bill lighter. tarsus light brown. Length 5 1/2 wing 2 15/16 tail 1 7/8 [[female symbol]] ad. stomach contents insects

423. Melospiza cinerea melodia. A. Wetmore. Millpond, North Freedom, Wis, iris light brown. maxilla brown. base of mandible buffy. rest of bill hair brown. tarsus pale buffy brown. Length 6 wing 2 11/16 tail 2 3/8 [[male symbol]] im. stomach contents. seeds.

424. Melospiza cinerea melodia. A. Wetmore. Hanger's, Millpond, North Freedom, Wis. iris brown. maxilla blackish brown. base of mandible buffy. rest of bill light brown. tarsus pale brown. Length 5 7/8 wing 2 3/4 tail 2 3/8 [[male symbol]] im. stomach contents seeds.

425. Spizella socialis. A. Wetmore. Grosinele's Orchard, North  Freedom, Wis. iris brown. maxilla brown, tip black, mandible reddish brown. tarsus pale brown. Length 5 1/8 wing 2 3/4 tail 2 1/16 [[male symbol]] im. stomach contents. seeds.

This morning after breakfast I went over to the Millpond. Near Hanger's point were a great number of birds. I shot two Water- Thrushes which are clearly referrable to S. noveboracensis. Their bills seem to vary greatly. One was on top of a dry hill and the other along the water- [[strikethrough]] thrush [[/strikethrough]] It walked along as Scott suggests like a little sandpiper. One would hardly recognise the bird on the wing it seems so different. Simply an olive body with a rather short tail. 

There were also a number of Cedar Waxwings here. They sat around in flocks in the trees mostly