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Prarie Horned Lark (con.)

Crossbill (species?)
Evening Grosbeak

Savanna Sparrow.

Nelson Sparrow.
Bronzed Grackle.

Thick-billed Redwing

Green-winged Teal

Wood Duck

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two and they circled around me for about ten minutes without coming into range.

Saw both Crossbills and Evening Grosbeaks but got no shots.

In a weedy cornfield were a number of Savanna Sparrows. I winged one and could not find it for quite a while when I saw it looking straight at me a few feet away. Heard one give a queer sharp note and thought it was something new until I shot it.

Saw one Nelson Sparrow fly up a little off but let it go.

In the Marsh were quite a few Bronzed Grackles but I could not get near them. I saw one flock of about 150 off at a distance. The Blackbirds were all flying to the south.

A flock of Red-wings flew over my head and I shot one. It proved to be the thick-billed Red-wing of Ridgeway. The only one in my collection that came near it in Length and the size of the bill was one shot in March. This is the first one recorded from the state to my knowledge.

About four oclock in the afternoon I went down along the river and through the Alder Swamp. Here I scared up eight or ten Mallard and a Teal and shot two of the former. They flew up with a low [[underlined]] quack [[/underlined]] different slightly from the note of the male. As I waded in after them a male Wood Duck came up close beside me and I shot quickly. It dropped into the