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Wood Duck (con.)

Green-winged Teal.



Mourning Dove.


542.Dryobates pubescens medianus

Junco, White throated Sparrow
Myrtle Warbler
Bronzed Grackle.

543. Asio wilsonianus.

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water and came swimming toward so close that I could not shoot. Again. It disappeared in the bushes and I could not find it although I looked carefully. Afterwards the Green-winged Teal passed me like a shot but I missed it.
Heard what I thought was a Night-Hawk calling and after looking all over in the air located it a few feet away in the bushes. Then I knew it for a Woodcock. It was [[underlined]] peent [[/underlined]] given in a slightly different tone from the Night-hawk.
Quite a number of Mourning Dove flew in at dark to roost in the willows. They blundered up ahead through the branches as I came along.
Heard two Killdeer fly by at dark.

October 18, Tuesday.

542. Dryobates pubescens medianus. A. Wetmore. MacArthur's linen Mills, Baraboo, Wis, iris brown, bill slaty black, gonys paler, tarsus dark greenish drab. Length 6 3/8 wing 3 3/4 tail 2 3/8 [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents insects.

Tonight Eben Toole and I went out after a few birds. Saw a number of Juncoes, white-throats and Myrtle Warblers Bronzed Grackles are sill common at Baraboo.

Octobeer 22, Saturday.

543. Asio wilsonianus. John Barker, Will Dickie's Marsh, North Freedom, Wis, iris yellow, bill & ure [?] dusky, tip of bill horn. claws dusky, inside of toes dirty white. Length 13 1/4 wing 11 3/8 tail 6 [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents, empty.