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544 Gallinago delicata

545. Regulus calendula

546. Junco hyemalis

547. Carpodacus purpureus

548 Carpodacus purpureus

549 Carpodacus purpureus


Horned Grebe

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544. Gallinago delicata. A. Wetmore. Fiske's pasture, North Freedom, Wis, iris brown. tip of bill black, base dull greenish, maxilla browner than mandible at the base. tarsus drab green. Length 10 3/16 wing 5 1/8 tail 2 1/16 [[female symbol]] stoch contents insects

545. Regulus calendula. A. Wetmore. Half Moon Woods, North Freedom, Wis, iris brown. bill dark brown, base of mandible paler. tarsus black, fee yellowish brown. Length 4 1/16 wing 2 5/16 tail 1 11/16 [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents small insects.

546. Junco hyemalis. A. Wetmore. Fullmer's pasture, North Freedom, Wis, iris pale brown. bill pinkish white, tip dusky.tarsus light brown. Length 6 wing 3 1/8 tail 2 3/8 [[male symbol]] im. stomach contents seeds.

547. Carpodacus purpureus. A. Wetmore. Shale's Swamp, North Freedom, Wis, iris brown, bill dusky olive, base of mandible horn. tarsus brownish Length 6 wing 3 1/2 tail 2 1/8 [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents ash seeds.

548. Carpodacus purpureus. A. Wetmore. Shale's Swamp, North Freedom, Wis, iris brown, bill dusky olive, base of mandible dull horn, tarsus dull brown, Length 6 wing 3 3/8 tail 2 1/4 [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents seeds.

549. Carpodacus purpureus. A. Wetmore. Shale's Swamp, North Freedom, Wis, iris brown, bill dusky olive, base of mandible dull horn, tarsus brown. Length 5 7/8 wing 3 3/8 tail 2 3/16 [[female symbol]] ad. stomach contents ash seeds.

This morning about 9 oclock I went up in the Half Moon Woods. It was cold and a strong wind was blowing and I did not see many birds. By the fallen tree I saw a bird swimming in the water and thought