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Sharp-shinned Hawk

Wilson Snipe

Northern Shrike



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After dinner I went down in the fields. In the Old Pasture I did not see hardly any birds for a ways and those that I did see seemed very shy. This was explained later when a Sharp-shinned Hawk flew out of a clump of bushes. I let it fly a ways and then shot it with a load of number 2 shot. It was not hurt badly. The crop was as full as it could hold. This little bird seems too small to do much damage but is one of the worst Hawks there is. Its feet and legs were long and slender. It did not fly very fast as it was gorged to the limit.

Did not see much in Dahlke's Marsh. Wilson Snipe here seem to be very wild. I was sitting in a willow when a Northern Shrike lit a few feet away. It sat there looking around and I put in a load suitable for it. It was so close that I did not want to shoot there and I tried to make it fly but it would not. So started to get up and it flew. My foot slipped and I fell back and before I could get the gun on it it flew behind a bush. It seemed to be a different color than my March bird.

Three Mallard finally flew over and swung down past me. They were high up but one went off at a slant and came to ground about twenty rods away but I could not find it. The other two circled about low down but never coming within range. They flew very fast. Heard two Killdeer again out in the fields. They must be staying there.