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Golden-crowned Kinglet (con.)

Prairie Hound Lark

570 Parus atricapillus

571 Junco hyemalis

572. Spizella monticola


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although I looked and waited for some time. Several Robins were seen. They were along the river and at the Hemlocks. When I approached they lit in the trees and called. They were somewhat wild.

In a field I found a small flock of Prairie Horned Larks. I thought probably they were alpestris. They were in fine plumage. One had testicles as large as [[strikethrough]] o [[/strikethrough]] O or larger while in the other they were small. When I shot they only flew a little-ways and then settled again but the last time they left. They gave only  a few soft notes. They kept in a scattered flock. If one approached too near another he was immediately flown at.

[[strikethrough]] September [[/strikethrough]] November 12, Saturday.

570. Parus atricapillus. A. Wetmore, Petske's Marsh, North Freedom, Wis, iris brown. bill dusky tarsus slate. Length 5 1/4 wing 2 11/16 tail 2 5/16 [[male symbol]] im. stomach contents insects.

571. Junco hyemalis. A. Wetmore. Pine Grove near Iriquois mine, North Freedom, Wis, iris brown. bill rosy white, nostrils and tip dusky. tarsus brown. Length 6 3/8 wing 3 1/4 tail 2 7/16 [[male symbol]] ad stomach contents. seeds.

572. Spizella monticola. A. Wetmore. Petske's marsh, North Freedom, Wis, iris brown. base of mandible yellow. rest of bill dusky. tarsus dark brown. Length 6 wing 3 tail 2 1/2 [[male symbol]] stomach contents. seeds.

This morning after breakfast I went over in Dickie's Marsh. Birds were scarce. I saw quite a number