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Tree Sparrow.


573 Certhia familiaris americana

Sharp-shinned Hawk

Brown Creeper

Purple Finch

574. Calcarius lapponicus

575 Calcarius lapponicus

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of Tree Sparrows. They acted quite wild. They kept flying ahead through the brush and were hard to watch.

Went up to the Pine Grove but saw only a few Juncoes. They fed in under the pines or else in the shade in a field. They seemed almost to keep out of the sun.

November 13, Sunday.

573. Certhia familiaris americana. A. Wetmore. Half Moon Woods, North Freedom, Wis, iris brown. maxilla and tip of mandible dusky brown. tarsus dull brown. Length 5 5/8 wing 2 3/4 tail 2 7/16 [[male symbol]] im. stomach contents insects.

This morning Art Rudy and I went over in the Half Mood Woods. A sharp shinned Hawk flew over alternately flying and then circling with set wings for a little.

Saw two or three Brown Creepers. They were very hard to locate. Generally when found they were close by. They called occasionally and this was the only guide to their whereabouts.

Also saw a Purple Finch

November 19, Saturday

574. Calcarius lapponicus.  A. Wetmore. C. Grosinske's, North Freedom, Wis, iris brown. bill reddish brown. tip dusky. tarsus brownish black. Length 6 6/8 wing 4 tail 2 1/2 [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents. seeds.

575. Calcarius lapponicus.  A. Wetmore. Millpond, North Freedom, Wis, iris brown. bill reddish brown. tip dusky. tarsus brownish