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Calcarius lapponicus (con.)

576. Melanerpes erythrocephalous

577 Merula migratoria

578 Junco hyemalis

579 Lanius borealis

Lapland Longspur

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black. Length 6 5/8 wing 4 tail 2 1/2 [[male symbol]] im stomach contents seeds.

576. Melanerpes erythrocephalous. A. Wetmore. Dickie's Marsh North Freedom, Wis, iris brown. tip of bill & culmen dusky. rest ivory slate. tarsus slaty brown. Length 8 7/8 wing 5 1/2 tail 3 1/4 [[female symbol]] ad stomach contents seeds.

577. Merula migratoria. A. Wetmore. Millpond. North Freedom, Wis, iris brown. bill dull brown. lower mandible paler. gape yellow tarsus dusky. Length 9 5/8 wing 5 1/8 tail 3 5/8 [[female symbol]] im. stomach contents worm.

578. Junco hyemalis.  A. Wetmore. Pine Grove. Iriquois Mines North Freedom, Wis, iris brown. bill rosy white. nostrils and tip dusky. tarsus dusky brown. Length 6 wing 3 1/8 tail 2 1/2 [[female symbol]] im stomach contents. seeds.

579. Lanius borealis. A. Wetmore. Alder Swamp, North Freedom, Wis, iris brown. base of mandible whitish. rest of bill dusky. tarsus black. Length 9 7/8 wing 4 3/4 tail 4 1/4 [[female symbol]] im. stomach contents beetles 1/2 inch long.

This morning Art Rudy and I went out towards the Millpond through Dickie's Marsh. Those birds that I did not know were flying thick. They generally were a long gunshot from the ground though a few were nearly out of sight. They gave two notes [[underlined]] chr-r-r-rt [[/underlined]] and a double whistled [[underlined]] whew whew [[/underlined]]. Occasionally the last note was given three times. The flight was bounding and they seemed rather uncertain. The most of them flew west or southwest. I finally dropped and it proved to be a Lapland Longspur. The one with