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Carolina Wren (con.)



Chondestes grammacus

Whitethroated Sparrow
Harris Sparrow. Song Sparrow

581. Cardinalis cardinalis

582. Calcarius Lapponicus

583 Otocoris alpestris praticola

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of sight. I saw two in a little hole in a bank and they let me watch them from a distance of about ten feet. I heard several other notes which I attributed to this bird and one mocked a Whip-poor-will almost exactly. This was probably the regular song.

A number of Cardinals were also seen. They were silent. They hopped around in the weeds making quite a little noise. The males were not so very noticiable when sitting still as they generally managed to get in a thick tangle. They were tame and I saw one chased by a sparrow. Females & young were also seen.
Sparrows were very thick. I saw one with a striped back that I thought looked familiar and as it turned its head I saw it was a Chondestes grammacus. White-throated and Harris Sparrows were also seen. Song Sparrows were not very common.

November 28, Monday

581. Cardinalis cardinalis. A. Wetmore. Verdigris River near R.R. Bridge. Independence, Kan. iris brown. bill light red. tarsus pinkish brown. Length 9 wing 4 tail 4 5/16 [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents seeds & wild grapes.

582.Calcarius lapponicus. A. Wetmore. Verdigris River near R.R. Bridge. Independence, Kan. iris brown. tip of bill dusky. rest warm brown tarsus dusky brown. Length 6 wing 3 7/16 tail 2 1/4 [[female symbol]] im. stomach contents seeds.

583. Otocoris alpestris praticola. A. Wetmore. Verdigris River near R.R. Bridge. Independence, Kan. iris brown. bill dusky