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3349. Hylocichla mustelina. D. Hanna. Haskell's Timber 1/2 mile S.E of Lawrence, Kas. June 25, 1907. iris brown. bill dark horn brown. feet light brown ♀ orig no 478.

3350. Tringa fuscicollis. D. Hanna. Kaw River 1/2 mile S.E of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown, bill & feet black. May 11, 1907 ♂ org no 434

3351. Tringa fuscicollis D. Hanna. Kaw River 1/2 mile S E of Lawrence, Kas. May 11, 1907. iris brown bill & feet black ♂ 15 were seen. orig no 426.

^[[3367]]. Tringa fuscicollis. D. Hanna. Kaw River 1/2 mile S E of Lawrence, Kas. May 11, 1907. iris brown bill & feet black. ♀ orig no 432.

[[strikethrough]] 427 [[/strikethrough]] 3352. Tringa fuscicollis. D. Hanna. Kaw River 1/2 mile S.E of Lawrence, Kas. May 11, 1907. iris brown. bill & feet black. ♂ orig no 436.

3353. Ereunetes [[strikethrough]] ocude semipalmata [[/strikethrough]] pusillus. D. Hanna. Kaw River 1/2 mile S.E. of Lawrence, Kas. May 11, 1907. iris brown. bill & feet black. ♀ orig no 439.

3354. Ereunetes pusillus. D. Hanna. Kaw River 1/2 mile S.E of Lawrence, Kas. May 11, 1907. iris brown. bill black. feet yellowish black. ♂ orig. no 431.

3355. Ereunetes pusillus. D. Hanna. Kaw River 1/2 mile S E of Lawrence, Kas. May 11, 1907. iris brown. bill black. feet yellowish black. ♀ orig no 435.

3356. Ereunetes pusillus D. Hanna. Kaw River 1/2 mile S.E of Lawrence, Kas. May 11, 1907. iris brown. bill black feet yellowish black. ♀ orig no 430

3357. Ereunetes pusillus. D. Hanna. Kaw River 1/2 mile S E of Lawrence, Kas. May 11, 1907. iris brown. bill & feet black. ♂ orig no. 427. About 50 seen.